Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pulau Ubin, Singapore

Venue: Pulau Ubin, Singapore 
Date: 21 March 2009
Cycling Kaki: Kay + MC, HT, BS, YN & Me...myself

The trip was planned by Kay for their (Kay + MC) Farewell Party.. How shameful we are to be their friends.. :| A good reason to make us not feeling too guilty is...we were all too busy with our works... hahaha~!! Okie, I don't feel as bad now~!

The day before the Ubin Trip, I checked Weather Forecast and was told that it is going to be heavy rain on the next day. Lucky us, that morning wasn't too bad for us, a bit cloudy (which is bad for me... ) and it is good weather for us to cycle around. 

Rented bicycle for S$8.00 which is different from what we read, S$2.00 per bicycle. Hm, wondering should we lodge a report to N-park for the raised up price? (Tiger Prawn issue has made Newton Hawker Center famous so this could be another incident that could save NST some time to source for headline for the rest of the week...yeah, Sg paper desperately need some headline....)

The ride was wonderful. It has been a while since the last time my feet step on the paddlers. Ride through shady path and wondering are we on the right track... seeing those people selling drinks along the way...picking up pedals from your hair... gosh... There is a moment I really doubted I was in Singapore.... :)

Kay+MC treated us a seafood lunch. It tasted great.. and yeah... we should feel guilty again... it is their Farewell trip after all... hahaha~! :)  No excuse for this... Walked around the "town" and people from main island seems to be so fascinated by the culture there........Pulau Ubin = Singapore? 

The trip ended with a boat ride back to main island + Thunder + Storm + Heavy Rain. Now it made justice to my weather forecast... :) 

Exhausted...but enjoy every single bit of it... Gosh... I am just not that into city... 

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Cousin, Jensen the Violinist

Date: 8th March 2009
Venue: University Cultural Centrel, NUS

I am always a big fans of Ochestra and my love to it all started at very young age. My friend was a violionist and he played for a local Jazz Band, which is also the only "Ochestra band" we have in town. They used to perfom once a year for fund raising or any other reason that wasn't told.

When the season comes, he would carry the tickets and force us to buy. Back then, RM10 is really big... sorry.. HUGE...  I was given pocket money RM1 per day and RM10 equal to my 10 days "mee goreng + keropok ayam + jus oren". Items break down, 

Mee Goreng = RM0.50
Keropok Ayam = RM0.20
Jus Oren = RM0.30
Yeah, it was cheap... :) By taking away that from my daily recess period would mean I have to starve in the classroom. Pity huh?? But he never fail to put the ticket into my pocket with a return of my RM10 in his hand... I wonder why was I so stupid... haha~! Ok.. that was the 1st Ochestra i attended.

Fast forward...... My cousin, Jensen. He started off with piano.. Oh ya, he is also a good pianist. :) He plays really nice piano and he can be quite emo when his hands are on the piano keys. I always tell him that I am very proud of him and in fact, yes I do.. I love music but I can't play any single music instruments and that's something that really kick me hard. It is not that I am not given chance to take up courses but it was me being so lazy... blame no one.. :| Whenever i went to my cousin house, he would be playing piano and me? I would be building my LEGO house.. haha.. and guess that mould us into who we are...

Last weekend, he invited me to his Uni's Jazz Band perfomance. His uni is quite far from my place but to show my support, I turned out on his big day~!! I brought my camera along and only was told flash is not allowed. Gosh..... sorry couz~!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I have a dream...

Just went to my cousin's Jazz Band performance/presentation, he played violin tonight and I can tell that, he loves every single moment when the violin is on his hands.. :) I remembered he told me that, he wanted to be a Musician...expected.. his parent just don't see that as profession and insisted him to pursue in a "proper" profession before he can choose what he loves... This is traditional Chinese family.. that's his dream.. :)

I have a dream... :) yes.. i do have a may not be that great or neither would that be that romance... but that's my dream... 

i wanted to be a photographer...i am never a good story teller... i wish my picture would help to elaborate my inner self..

i wanted to have my own gallery.. it need not to be huge and it can be just a small corner with my works on it... i want to design my own gallery and keep it updated with my travel post...

i wanted to run a cafe... i would play my own music.. and would design my own cafe.. with my selected furniture..... and i would sit down with my customer and treasure our life whiletime ticking passed...

i wanted to design my own house.. it would be small little cosy house with lots of opening.. at night.. i would draw my curtains up and feel the breeze... and give thanks for His beautiful works...

i wanted to have my own design studio.... it would be attached to my house and it would be semi open to my little courtyard...yeah.. i love opening.. i love greens... i love outdoor...

i wanted to live free.. would travel and travel and travel... seeing new things.. meeting new friends...

i wanted to learn how to play jazz drum... i love music..but shame on me for not able to play any music instrument.. .

gosh... i just cant see myself putting a full stop on my wish list.... yeah... i have a dream... with lots of "sub-dreams" in it.. :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

House Cats....

Venue: Somewhere near Lasalle
Date: 21 February 2009

Saw these cats wondering around near the college. I kept track on one of them and he walked me to a shop cross the road. Met up with the owner of these cats and have a short chat with her. 

A friendly middle-age lady she is. She names these cats Xiao Mao Mi, Xiao Ding Dang and Xiao Hei. These cats are actually left out by their owner when they moved out from the flat which gave way to this award winning building, Lasalle. 


Venue: Lasalle, Singapore
Date: 21 February 2009

A short trip to Lasalle in the morning. An SIA Award winning building. I came here once when I attended my 1st interview near by. Since then, I am amazed by the creativity of the Architect, be it Design Architect or Project Architect. Credit to those who have made this building an art piece itself... :)